Canada has a strong economy and offers competitive wages for a wide variety of occupations and skill levels.

Working in Canada in an excellent opportunity and can be beneficial for Permanent Residency.

A work permit or authorization to work without a permit is required in order for a foreign national to be allowed to work in Canada under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), and the International Mobility Program (IMP).

The difference between the two programs is the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) requires a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

Understanding the various work programs and work permit options might feel difficult. We are here to help you.

Work Permit Programs

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) allows Canadian employers the ability to temporarily hire foreign nationals in order to fill shortages in Canada’s labour force.

Employers must obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to hire foreign workers to fill temporary labour and skill shortages. The LMIA verifies that there is a need for a temporary worker and that no Canadians or permanent residents are available to do the job.

International Mobility Program (IMP)

The International Mobility Program (IMP) enables Canadian employers to hire temporary foreign workers without the need for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). While an LMIA is usually required for a Canadian employer to hire a temporary foreign worker, there are a number of exemptions to the LMIA requirement.

Eligibility requirements for all work permit applicants:

  • you must be able to prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your work permit expires;

  • you must show you have enough money to support yourself while in Canada, and enough money to return home. If you bring family members to Canada, you must show you have enough money to support your family members as well ;

  • you must have no record of criminal activity (a police clearance certificate may be required);

  • you must not be a danger to Canada’s security;

  • you must be in good health (a medical exam may be required);

  • some restrictions apply to which employers you can work for.


We can answer your questions and help complete your application.